Therapy can be in Different Forms

By Aminah Madihah

Feeling overwhelmed? Find out how others deal with stress and anxiety.

Navigating the demands of work, studies, and maintaining relationships with family and friends can often leave us feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Each of us faces unique challenges in our lives, so obviously everyone has different ways to cope. What works for one person might not work for everyone; it's our individuality that shapes our responses.

Suppressing emotions without an outlet can escalate into more significant issues. Fortunately, there are a lot of activities and hobbies that offer respite during challenging times.

Curious on how others manage stress? I've reached out to a few friends to get their strategies:

“I love going out to meet friends to have a chat over a meal or coffee! I find that talking and catching up with a friend boosts up my mood when I need it. Sharing my experiences and hearing their stories helps lift some weight off my shoulders. If we are unable to make time to meet up, I would FaceTime them just to talk for a bit. I’m lucky to have friends who are available and willing to make time for me when I need someone to talk to.” - Amir

“As an introvert and homebody, nothing beats unwinding in the comfort of my home. After a long day at work, I head straight for a refreshing shower and dive into my night routine: cooking dinner, watching my favourite Netflix series while I eat, playing with my cats, and then either reading a book or finishing up some chores. Slow, cosy nights like these are pure therapy for me. They’re exactly what I need to recharge before the next workday begins.” - Jasmine

“On the weekends, I usually go for a hike in the morning. Connecting with nature clears my mind and relieves stress like nothing else. It's not just about staying fit and building stamina; each hike teaches me patience and resilience. The climb is always a challenge, but reaching the summit or discovering waterfalls rewards me with breathtaking views that feel almost healing. Plus, when you go hiking with friends, it’s a great way to bond with each other.” - Meor

“Baking is my passion! I adore sweet treats and relish experimenting with new recipes in my kitchen. Learning and mastering them feels incredibly fulfilling. What truly elevates the experience is sharing my creations with friends and family, witnessing their delight. Whether it's kneading dough, baking cakes and muffins to perfection, or adding final touches with cream and sprinkles, I feel completely in my element. Besides that, cooking for my family also adds an extra layer of joy to my culinary adventures.” - Hannah

“This isn’t completely healthy… for my bank account, at least. But retail therapy helps me to relieve stress a lot. Even if I'm just window shopping, the act itself brings a sense of calm. Whether strolling through malls or browsing online, exploring new items sparks joy. When I do make a purchase, I ensure it's something I genuinely need and will cherish. If there’s a notification that a parcel arrived at my address, I get super excited. Unboxing that package feels like a mini celebration. It’s even more dangerous when there are sales… but in the end, if this is what makes me happy, then why not?” - Alya

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash.

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