9 Oct 2023, 3:00 AM ● By Aminah Madihah
Extrovert? Introvert? Both? Whichever you are, you are all destined for success!
We often discuss whether someone is extroverted or introverted. It’s a very popular topic when we’re with friends. Determining someone’s personality type gives you an insight on how to understand them better, and in the professional world, it helps to determine which role they would fit in perfectly.
But is there to say which personality type is better?
The answer is: No! Extroverts and introverts are both special in their own way although they behave and work differently. Here’s a quick look at each personality type:
Extroverts are often characterised by their outgoing nature, enthusiasm, and ability to thrive in social settings. In the office setting, here’s how you can thrive:
Introverts, on the other hand, are known for their introspective and reflective qualities. Here's how introverts (like you!) can leverage these traits for professional success:
Not to forget, there are individuals who possess both extroverted and introverted traits. In our previous article, we talked about ambiverts. Maybe you’re one? If so, here’s how you can use your traits that include the best of both worlds to your advantage:
When you identify your strengths and develop these complementary skills, you can navigate your career path with confidence and achieve success on your own terms. Remember, no personality type is inherently better than another. What matters most is how you use your unique traits to succeed in your chosen profession.
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