Extrovert, Introvert..... OR Ambivert?

By Mel Sim

Yes, there is a new way to describe whether you like (or loathe) crowds.

Do you ever struggle with this question: Are you an extrovert or an introvert? There are days when you don’t mind hanging out in a crowd (extrovert) and yet you are perfectly fine staying at home with a cup of tea one hand, book the other (introvert).

Is it possible to be both an extrovert and an introvert?

Enter ambivert, the word you’ve been looking for to describe yourself. Hybrid is the buzzword these days and guess what, that’s exactly what ambivert is – a hybrid of the extrovert-introvert personality!

In proper definition, studies say ambiverts share characteristics of the super outgoing and also the more reserved individuals. They are great at talking and listening at the same time. And according to Harvard Business Review, ambiverts make great leaders precisely because they can do both! Go you, ambivert!

How do you tell if you are an ambivert? Here are some signs:

  1. You don’t mind meeting new people but you don’t go all out to do it, depending on your mood.
  2. Short conversations are just fine. Long conversations are ok if you are comfortable with the person.
  3. You like going to parties; you don’t necessarily want to be the life of it nor do you want to stay till the end. When you’re done, you’re gone.
  4. You spend hours by yourself in the morning doing me things, and then you join a group of friends for dinner. Either one is fine and they both make you happy.
  5. Movies alone or with friends? Both are ok.
  6. Work along on a project or team up with a colleague? Whichever works!
  7. You’re part of the crowd just not necessarily the centre of attention. As long as you’re happy going with the flow doing what you want!

The most important thing about being an ambivert is your ability to strike a balance between the two more extreme personality traits. And this can really work to your advantage at work where some days you are required to listen while others your input would prove valuable. Being an ambivert, you can easily switch between both and be good at them. You know when the situation calls for you to be an extrovert and vice versa.

Remember: there’s no right or wrong personality. What you need to do is follow your instinct and know your true self to enjoy the moment.

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