GRADUAN is the leading and most trusted career resource for Malaysian talent, guiding them in their journey to become part of Malaysia’s energetic workforce. It is also the preferred partner for leading Malaysian employers when it comes to talent recruitment and employer branding, helping organisations find their next-generation leaders.
The revamped GRADUAN.COM is one-stop online platform that connects talent with employers through interactive features, articles, videos, listings, targeted content and more. Talent can find the latest hiring information as well as articles, tips and trends to help them with their job search.
GRADUAN believes in staying ahead of the pack. With this in mind, we introduce GRADUAN Digital, our digital format that is targeted to attract new talent through captivating and engaging recruitment videos produced by the GRADUAN team. All digital content will be recorded and featured in GRADUANtv, our YouTube channel.
Everything talents need for their job search at the touch of a button. Get access to the latest vacancies, insider guides, self-help video, exclusive listings and many more on the GRADUAN App. Talent can upload their CVs and share them with employers with ease. The future is digital!
GRADUAN’s highly anticipated local career fair right here in Malaysia. Started in July 2011, GRADUAN ASPIRE has evolved to become the hottest career event in town. More than 68,000 attendees (and counting!) make their way to GRADUAN ASPIRE each year, comprising of undergraduates, graduates, postgraduates and working professionals in Malaysia and abroad to meet with representatives from various companies, institutions and industry experts.
Coupled with a well-coordinated and focused approach, the overseas career fairs have chalked up unprecedented success year after year in United Kingdom and Australia. Employers find these career fairs an impactful and cost-effective platform to connect and hunt for talent and potential employees who are currently abroad.
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