Real Reasons Why You Get Super Bloated

Urgh…. feel like something is pushing against your belly and you can’t concentrate at work? Here’s what’s really happening.

Picture yourself in the middle of a busy workday: You’ve savoured a delightful lunch, leaving you feeling content and full. However, as the day progresses, a wave of bloating sweeps over you, causing your stomach to bloat uncomfortably. To add to the discomfort, a sharp pain slowly emerges from your back and the persistent ache intertwines with the bloating. As you try to focus on your tasks, a need to burp arises, causing further disruption to your concentration. Despite having enjoyed a satisfying meal, the unexpected bloating, tightness in your shirt, spine-related pain, and persistent burping are affecting your productivity and overall well-being.

What’s going on with your body? This could be why:

#1 Gut Under Pressure
Stress is a prevalent factor in many workplaces, and this spells bad news for your digestive system. When you experience stress, your body activates the "fight or flight" response, diverting resources away from non-essential functions like digestion. This response can lead to various digestive issues, including acid reflux and heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, and reduced nutrient absorption.

#2 Confined to The Desk
Many jobs require long hours of sitting, which can contribute to a sedentary lifestyle. Lack of physical activity has been linked to digestive issues, including sluggish digestion, increased risk of obesity, and poor circulation.

#3 Urge To Munch
Packed schedules lead to poor dietary habits as you tend to skip meals and instead you settle with fast food or rely on processed snacks to keep going throughout the day. These habits can take a toll on your digestive system and overall health.

Can you relate to any of them? If yes, it’s a sign you have not been taking care of yourself - and it’s time you change that so your body will thank you afterwards.

Here’s how you can manage your digestive system better:

Stress management techniques
Since digestive problems have a connection with stress, you should learn how to relax! Practise breathing, meditation or yoga to keep calm. While working, it’s important to set boundaries and prioritise self-care to reduce work-related stress. To avoid feeling overwhelmed with your tasks, take regular breaks to rest and rejuvenate. Take a day off if you feel like it’s getting too much for your body to handle!

Incorporate physical activity
Walk around the office to say hi to your office mates or get coffee to take your mind off work for a bit and to move around after sitting for long hours. Take a few minutes to stretch your body as well to improve circulation and stimulate digestion. Outside working hours, consider integrating exercise into your daily routine.

Practise mindful eating
Working hard is no excuse for you to eat poorly! You should always put your health first no matter how busy you get. For more guides on eating healthy, check out our old article on healthy meal suggestions to fuel your productivity.

If the pain persists, consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and personalised treatment plan. Small changes in your work routine and lifestyle can go a long way in promoting a healthy digestive system, leading to a happier and more productive work-life balance.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash.

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