● By Siew Ching
It’s got a lot to do with nature, slowing down, and appreciating what you already have.
The results are in: Finland is crowned – yet again! – the happiest country in the world for the sixth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report. The survey asked people to place themselves on a ladder between 0 (worst possible life) and 10 (best possible life). Each country was also ranked on their average life evaluations during the three preceding years, which in this case was 2020 to 2022.
Well, the Finns sure have a lot of positive things to share! They all scored very high on a series of measures that include life expectancy, GDP per capita, social support, low corruption, generosity in the community, and freedom.
What’s the secret to their happiness? Winters are super cold, and it’s not exactly a hot tourist spot with tons of people clamouring to visit Finland. Well, believe it or not, the answer to that was available at a free masterclass on happiness! That’s right – and after offering 10 lucky people a chance to visit the country to embark on a life-changing masterclass on what it takes to be happy (more than 150,00 people applied for it!), the country’s tourism department decided that this masterclass should be made available virtually for free, for everyone! That means – free for you too!
As described on the site: “This masterclass will take you a step closer with insights from five coaches under four core themes: Nature & Lifestyle, Health & Balance, Design & Everyday, and Food & Wellbeing.” All five courses are now available. But if you want a sneak peek, here’s a summary of that masterclass on how to find your inner happy Finn in three ways.
#1 Connect with Nature
We all know Finland is covered with glorious nature – and many Finnish people camp frequently, walk, and bike in nature or simply embrace the beauty nature has to offer. But what happens to city folks like us where nature isn’t as easily available amidst our skyscrapers and hectic lifestyle? We say – make time for it! If you look around, nature is everywhere, whether it’s a small patch of green where you can start gardening or a tiny park around your neighbourhood for you to take your evening walks.
It doesn’t have to be about spending time in nature per se, sailing down the river or taking long walks in the forest: It can be just about being in tune with your five senses, even when going out to grab coffee or buy groceries. The keyword? Being present and intentionally paying attention to the beauty around you. When you take a moment to pause, breathe, and appreciate, you’re opening your world to the simplest of joy and happiness!
#2 Connect with Others
No man is an island, and in Finland, everyone is about making connections to others! The link between great mental and even physical health is strongly connected with how you relate to others. Meaningful relationship with your parents, friends, and colleagues can help you navigate tough days and provide invaluable support when you’re feeling down. In Finnish culture, social connections are seen as a vital part of wellbeing.
And rightfully so! Regular social engagement with people who matter in your life can reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation, which are known to contribute to various mental health issues, including depression and anxiety. By cultivating strong, supportive relationships, you not only enhance your emotional resilience but also improve your overall quality of life, taking you straight up on the road to happiness!
#3 Connect with Having Enough
We all want to aim higher, own more things, achieve greater heights. But all that wanting spirals down to never having enough. The principle is easy – when you are focused on more, you’ll find that you’ll never be able to have enough. There will always be a greater job, newer phone, bigger car… the list goes on. Also, something that made you super happy two years ago may not even be enough to make you crack a smile now simply because your needs and wants may have shifted.
The key, says Finland? To focus on enough. Finns have a more stripped-back approach to life where even the simplest things are great enough to bring a person joy. Back to basics really means happiness in Finland, as this can bring contentment to your life – yes, even much more than a brand new iPhone!
In Finland, enough is defined as balance, harmony, and sufficiency. Embracing enough means having everything you need, and not carrying around excess that doesn't bring joy to your life. This approach also applies to knowing that you’re enough as you are! Rather than saying “I will only be happy when I make this amount of money,” switch that to “I am happy now because I have everything I need.” Try it – you’ll soon see that it doesn’t take much for happiness, as how the Finns have discovered!
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash.