● By Aminah Madihah
Feeling the post-holiday blues? Here’s how you can jump right back into work mode.
When you’re done with a huge project at work that you’ve spent weeks preparing and finally completing, a holiday is definitely something you need. In fact, make it a necessity so you can reset, recharge, and rejuvenate to take on the next big thing.
But have you experienced post-holiday blues? It’s challenging to shift gears from relaxation mode to productivity mode overnight. However, with some mental prep - and some tips from us! - you can make a smooth and successful transition.
1. Set your goals
Figure out what you want to achieve on the first day you return to work. This will make you feel more motivated to get back to action. Make sure to list them down in manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Setting realistic goals will give you a sense of direction and purpose, helping you regain focus and stay motivated.
2. Ease into a routine
Your mind and body might feel reluctant when you have to go back to work after your holidays. You’re used to having fun and relaxing without chasing deadlines, who would willingly let that go? Unfortunately, we all have to get back to work to afford more fun vacations.
Start by gradually adjusting your daily routine as you return to work. Slowly shift your sleeping and waking times closer to your work schedule. This will help your body and mind adapt to the upcoming change, ensuring a smoother transition.
3. Plan for a smooth reentry - even before you go on your break!
To avoid being overwhelmed on your first day back, plan way, way ahead. Before you go on your holiday break, tidy up your workspace and organise any pending tasks or deadlines. Communicate with your colleagues and superiors on your progress to let them know you're good to go or if you need someone to cover your ongoing projects with clients. This way, when you get back to work, you can jump right into it!
4. Practise self-care
The main purpose of going on a holiday is to help you relax and recharge so you can perform better at work. So engage in activities that bring you joy, such as exercise, meditation, reading, or spending quality time with loved ones. By nurturing yourself, you'll enhance your overall resilience and make the transition back to work more manageable.
5. Adopt a positive mindset
Approach your return to work with a positive mindset. Focus on the exciting opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. Cultivating a positive outlook will help you overcome any initial hurdles and keep your motivation level high. If it helps, think about how you’ll be able to get that well-deserved break again once you’ve done your best at work!
Photo by S'well on Unsplash.
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