● By Ahmed Wafi
Don’t let the virus get to your career too!
If you’re new to the whole work-from-home scene, you’re going to find that it’s more difficult than it really seems. You don’t get to take breaks and work whenever you want to. In fact, you might find yourself working around the clock or even worse, you might find that you’re neglecting your work because you’re too comfortable at home!
Here are some tips on how to make #WFH work for you.
Have a set work time
Just like a regular job, make sure you have a fixed work time and follow it. It doesn’t have to be eight hours straight (even in the office you don’t sit in front of your computer for eight hours straight); you should instead work with what’s comfortable for you. Some recommend working in blocks of 60 minutes with a 20-minute break between the hours.
Have an ‘office’
Or a small working space where all the magic happens! This working space should have sufficient lighting, a cozy chair, an ambience that is conducive for creativity, and most importantly, peace and quiet. If the latter is unattainable, we recommend the next best thing: Noise-cancelling headphones.
Dress the part
It puts you in a mindset of “going to work” so you actually feel like working. And make sure you do the reverse too where you change into your home clothes after the work day is over!
More FaceTime
And less emails. Make it a point to interact via video call with your clients and colleagues as this will help you take work more seriously and also get your message across clearly (we know that emails can easily be misunderstood!).
Don’t stop working when things get hard
The fact that the TV is just outside your room doesn’t really help the cause. When the day’s starting to get harder than usual, train yourself to stick with it and focus. Taking casual breaks time and again could actually lead to days where you get nothing done at all.
Have a playlist
Create a playlist you can vibe to. This is especially useful if it’s your first time working remotely and you start to feel a tinge of loneliness creep up on you. You can also incorporate this playlist during your breaks to stir up that creativity hot pot!
Photo by Allie Smith on Unsplash
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