● By Ahmed Wafi
A blessing in disguise?
Two weeks is a long time. Even more so if you’re not allowed to leave your house. It’s dark times for the world as the economy is in shambles, the number of cases continue to rise, the public is panicking, so many of the world’s most anticipated events are being cancelled or postponed. The Tokyo Olympics happening is also strongly in question!
But here at GRADUAN®, we look on the bright side! Here are some things you can do with your 14 days in solace. (we hope you have an internet connection)
Catch up on your favourite TV shows
Probably the first thing on everyone’s list is to binge watch the shows they’ve been missing out since work started getting more hectic. BUT! Remember to take things easy; don’t watch more than a few episodes a day otherwise you won’t have enough time to do the other things on this list. Read about binge watching responsibly here.
Catch up on some sleep
Spending late nights at the office only to come home and continue doing work is bound to take its toll on you. Give yourself a much-needed break and take a nap every now and again. After all, you deserved it!
Update your resume
It’s been a while and you’ve probably accomplished a lot more in your career. Maybe it’s time to update your resume, even if you’re not considering applying for a new job. It not only makes you feel good to see it all in writing but who knows when that updated resume will come into use.
Get some exercise in
‘I don’t have time’ is no longer a valid excuse. You have 14 days of isolation so make it a point to do some sort of exercise at home whether it’s jumping jacks, skipping ropes or even push ups. If you’re looking for different exercises, check out this video we did showing exercises you can do with a chair!
Spring cleaning!
Brought your work computer home? Rearrange all those messy files you saved on your desktop to ensure peak productivity! On top of that, you can also clean up the house, change your bedsheets, get your laundry done, and make your home more conducive for productivity.
Spending some family time
During a conversation I had with my family on the first day of #StayatHome, my brother asked me what are the good things to come out of this whole COVID situation. My answer? “Nothing at all!”. This whole episode messed up just about everything and I couldn’t see anything good in it.
But my dad said “Well, we’re all here together” referring to everyone in the family. “When was the last time everyone was in the living room spending time together?”
And that, I think is the best thing out of #DudukRumah. Being at home and finally spending quality time with our loved ones!
Photo by Kelly Sikkema and National Cancer Institute on Unsplash