Hey, Hi, Hello…?

By Aminah Madihah

Not sure how to start and keep conversations going? We’re here to help you with that!

In this era, networking and gaining connections can get you to a lot of places. Thus, it’s undeniable that the ability to engage in meaningful conversations is a valuable skill. Whether you're networking at a professional event or striking up a chat with a stranger at a social gathering, knowing how to talk to people and forge new connections can open doors to endless opportunities.

Initiating conversations can pose challenges for certain individuals, especially in bustling event settings. It could be due to introversion, social anxiety, or just shyness - breaking the ice may feel daunting. However, overcoming these hurdles is entirely possible through baby steps towards interaction. You can start by cautiously approaching individuals and initiating small talk as a means to ease into deeper conversations.

Here are some essential tips to master the art of conversation and make lasting impressions:

Give off a bright and friendly aura
First thing’s first: The foundation of any successful interaction is the vibe you emit. Try to smile at anyone you make eye contact with. This gives a signal that you’re approachable and open to getting to know people. Usually, it’s way harder to talk to someone if they seem intimidating and cold. So try this: Approach someone and start your conversation with warmth, positivity, and a genuine smile. Your demeanor sets the tone for the interaction, making it easier for others to feel comfortable and open up to you.

Be confident
Confidence is magnetic. Hold yourself with poise and assurance, even if you're feeling nervous on the inside. Keep your chin up, smile, and act like you’re the greatest person to walk into the room. Speak clearly, maintain eye contact, and exude self-assurance. Confidence not only makes you more attractive to others but instills trust and credibility in your words.

Look for a topic that’s relatable for both parties
The best way to ease into a conversation with someone new is to find a common ground. Pay attention to cues in the conversation or the environment to identify shared interests, experiences, or observations. Whether it's a mutual hobby, a current event, or a shared acquaintance, steering the conversation towards familiar territory creates a sense of connection and fosters engagement.

Keep the conversation going by asking questions
A conversation is a two-way street, and asking questions is the fuel that keeps it flowing. Show genuine interest in the other person by asking open-ended questions that invite them to share their thoughts and experiences. Listen actively to their responses, and use their answers as springboards for further discussion. Avoid dominating the conversation or resorting to monologues, as this can deter others from actively participating.

Share contact details after the talk
As the conversation progresses, and if you feel a genuine connection forming, don't hesitate to exchange contact information. You could either swap business cards at a networking event or add each other on personal social media platforms. Staying connected allows you to nurture the budding relationship beyond the initial interaction. Remember to follow up with a friendly message to solidify the connection and potentially explore future opportunities for collaboration or friendship.

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash.

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