The Virtual Malaysian Career Fair and The Virtual US Career Networking Fair Happening This March!

3 Mar 2021, 4:00 PM By Ahmed Wafi

Malaysian talent in the UK and US have careers coming their way!

This 26 to 28 March, Malaysian graduates from UK universities will once again have the chance to rub shoulders with leading Malaysian employers, explore the local employment landscape, gain insights from C-suite executives, and land meaningful career opportunities before they graduate – all online!

Employers such as Maybank, Maxis, CIMB, PwC, Nestle and many more will be online to speak to registered talents and hunt for their leaders of tomorrow. Registrants of the fair will enjoy a host of features that redefine the meaning of virtual! Apart from access to the latest job postings, talent can grab a sneak peek into the corporate culture of each organisation via exclusive content, network with employers and peers in the public chat room, engage in roundtable discussions with employers and if employers like your resume, they can initiate private chats that can lead to on-the-spot interviews!

The Corporate Luncheon also makes a return on the first day of the fair after a year of absence due to the pandemic. Limited to only 100 high-performing graduates from UK universities, this is a golden opportunity to network with C-suite leaders, take part in virtual forums and breakout sessions all in a dedicated virtual space.

Check out the schedule for the Corporate Luncheon below!

There’s more – come 1 April, our first-ever virtual United States Career Networking Fair will be live! Back by popular demand thanks to the success of 2020’s Global Virtual Career Fair, this networking career fair dedicated to Malaysian talent and graduates from the United States boasts the same features as the other GRADUAN® Virtual Career Fairs.

Malaysian talent in the US will also be treated to a host of engaging forums designed to challenge their intellect and expose them to the Malaysian job landscape all day long on top of the various features mentioned above.

Click here to register if you’re a Malaysian talent in the UK!

And here if you’re a Malaysian in the US looking to land a career back home!

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