The One Thing You Need To Bring To Your Next Job Interview

By Siew Ching

No, it’s not your portfolio or cover letter.

We always hear how certain people get hired because they have “that extra something”. Now, what exactly is that? A stellar cover letter? A superbly impressive portfolio? The right answer to every question you’ll be asked during the interview?


You know what “that extra something” really is? A great attitude.

We often go to an interview thinking we need to ace with impressive answers, show that we have every single skill under the sky that they are looking for, a list of extracurricular activities that will make us look like the all-rounder we aim to be…. But the most important thing we forget is to bring to the table is our “great attitude”. And many times, because of this, we lack that certain something the interviewer is looking for, risking losing the job opportunity to another candidate who got the “great attitude” memo.

Here's how a “great attitude” can help you stand out:

  • Show your great attitude and you’re basically telling your interviewer that you are eager to do a great job – and that’s really everything a company is looking for, a team player who is willing to put in the effort to do their best.
  • A great attitude is something unique you can offer the company. All companies already have multi-talented employees but the “skill” that is harder to come by is being able to work hard to achieve excellent results and having the right attitude to work in a team well.
  • More important than the degree or past work experience is the passion and right attitude you have for the job. If you can convince your future employer that you are in it 101%, you’re almost on the home run to getting the job.
  • This one's for you personally: When you feel great and positive, you’re more likely to ace the interview! Going in with a great attitude helps you feel more relaxed and friendly, which works all the time for a job interview. If you are too focused on wanting to show off all your accomplishments or wondering if you are even qualified, you’re more likely going to feel incredibly uptight. This nervousness will show, and it won’t work in your favour, especially if your interviewer is looking for someone with confidence!

How do you show off your great attitude? Here are some tips:

#1 Foster your confidence
Remember the part where when you feel confident, your interviewer can tell too? This is why it’s important to walk into the room with a positive attitude to give you the motivation to excel in your job interview. Be well prepared, dress the part, and smile! The last is particularly easy but effective to show a positive attitude – though many of us forget it, especially when we’ve been stressed out all week about wanting to do our best for the interview. Create a connection with the interviewer but be natural about it! Don’t overdo your smile or enthusiasm as it can come across as fake, not positive!

#2 Use positive language
Think words like “yes”, “achieve”, “successful”, “my best” if you want to show your optimism and positive attitude. Forget weak and vague words like “maybe”, “try”, “hopefully”, “maybe” – these make you seem uncertain about yourself. Harness the use of positive language during your interview for a great attitude.

#3 Mind your manners
If anything, good manners trump everything else. Having a great attitude and good manners during your job interview are two big wins already! Hiring managers often agree that a person’s manners can be more important than a long list of work experience. Would you rather work with someone who knows gratitude… or someone who may be super capable but standoffish? The answer is clear with this!

#4 Be attention, be engaged, ask thoughtful questions
All the above not only show that you have a genuine interest in the job and company, but it demonstrates your passion for the work! While the job interview is a chance to showcase your skills, it is also a time for you to shine with a great personality. Be the job candidate that the hiring manager only has good things to say – nobody can fault you for having a great attitude!

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash.

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