Put Yourself First!

By Aminah Madihah

This is the year you be your own best friend and explore your own interests.

Do you experience FOMO when you’re not hanging out with friends? Or do you get lonely when you don’t have company? Here’s what we think: You don’t have to feel that way! It’s completely normal to be alone sometimes. In fact, there are lots of benefits that come with being in your own company and learning to enjoy it.

For starters, when you’re alone, you figure out a lot of things you’ve never really known about yourself. Most of the time when you’re in a group setting, you tend to follow what everyone else wants to do because you enjoy their company. You like doing certain activities only because you like doing it with your friends. But what about what you like? Have you ever thought about what brings you joy as your own person?

Spending time alone allows you to explore your interests without the influence or expectations of others. It gives you the freedom to try new activities, hobbies, and experiences that resonate with your true self. Through this self-discovery process, you may uncover hidden talents or passions that bring you joy and fulfilment. Sounds like a win-win, right?

Here are more reasons why you should spend more time with your own company:

Avoid anxiety of being in a crowd or group of people
Constantly seeking validation or approval from others can lead to anxiety and self-doubt, especially in social settings. By learning to enjoy your own company, you reduce reliance on external validation and become more comfortable in your own skin. This can alleviate social anxiety and empower you to navigate various social situations with greater confidence and ease.

You realise how capable you are to do everything by yourself
Independence is a valuable trait that can be cultivated through solo experiences. When you spend time alone, you learn to rely on yourself for problem-solving, decision-making, and achieving goals. This self-reliance builds resilience and confidence, showing you that you are capable of handling challenges and achieving success on your own terms.

Encourage self-love and self-growth
Prioritising your own needs and desires fosters a deeper sense of self-love and acceptance. When you invest in self-care and personal development, you acknowledge your worth and value as an individual. This mindset shift enables you to set healthy boundaries, pursue your goals with passion, and embrace your journey of self-improvement without seeking external validation or approval.

You can spread happiness to others when you’re happy
When you prioritise your own happiness and well-being, you become a source of positivity and inspiration to those around you. Because how can you do this if you’re unhappy and anxious all the time? By radiating joy and fulfilment, you uplift others and create a ripple effect of happiness in your social circle. Additionally, when you're genuinely content with yourself, you're better equipped to nurture meaningful relationships and contribute positively to the lives of others.

Once you come to the realisation that you’re able to find happiness within yourself, it does not mean that you need to close yourself off from others. As humans, it’s normal to want company and to socialise. However, it’s important to be content with yourself so that you can be the judge of who you let in and who to keep in your life.

Have you found solace in your own company yet? Tell us how that makes you feel @Graduan!

Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash.

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