Lowkey Weekend Ideas ?

By Siew Ching

Read: Cheap, fuss-free, easy yet still fun!

Hands up who’s all in for long weekends? That’s one thing Malaysia is famous for – weekends that are longer than your usual two days thanks to all the public holidays we have…

But before you feel inclined to pack your long weekend break with a holiday abroad or a super-packed itinerary, why not do this instead: Relax! After all, that’s what holidays are for – to relax, recharge, and unwind. Wanting to do it all and do everything will only leave you feeling completely drained when you start work the next day.

So here you go, some ideas for a low-key weekend that will leave you rejuvenated yet are fun to do. Bonus – they cost next to nothing!

#1 Have a picnic out in the park
Round up your besties and roll out the picnic mat at a nearby park. Choose a nice breezy morning or cooling evening so you don’t get turned off by the weather. Get each person to bring something to share – drinks, dessert, light meals like sandwiches or fried noodles. You can also get everyone to rummage through their kitchen and bring some snacks. It can literally cost nothing for an enjoyable picnic!

#2 Spruce up the garden
Always wanted to grow some herbs and cili padi? Now’s the time. Who doesn’t love fresh produce they grew themselves. If you already have a small plot of land in the garden, start sowing and seeding. You can easily get free seeds with what you already have in the refrigerator – seeds from chillies, pumpkins, bell peppers – you can buy them for really cheap as well. The best treat is you’ll get some really nice veggies to eat later!

#3 Organise your personal space
Yes we know, weekends are supposed to be fun, not for cleaning up messes. But if that untidy library or wardrobe is really getting to you, there’s no better time than the long weekend to start decluttering! Take it easy – clean for an hour then chill the next. Organise while listening to your fave music or even while watching a Netflix documentary. Plan to do it only for the first half of the day and do other fun stuff later. However you plan to declutter and organise, the end result will be just as satisfying when you see an organised, neat space!

#4 Roam the streets
Charge your phone and go on an adventure. Take the public transportation to a spot in town you’ve always wanted to explore and start snapping some cool street photography. Take five at a café you always see on the gram and just let the day pass by. It’s a fun way to get to know your city better!

#5 Hit the greens
Pretty sure there are plenty of parks and gardens wherever you’re living that you can have an hour or two out in nature. Grab a friend and go either for a morning run in a park or a hike. You can also just set up a spot under a tree and read a book to soak in all that nature’s calmness.

#6 Pamper yourself
You don’t have to hit the spa; bring the spa to you! Jazz up with some aromatherapy, turn up the chilled out tunes, and put on a facial mask while you lie down in bed and think of nothing. You can also brew some relaxing tea by soaking lemongrass and pandan leaves in hot water. Get yourself some shower steamers while you’re at it. Let the humidity of your warm shower surround you with a relaxing scent.

Tell us how you like to spend a low-key weekend @Graduan.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash.

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