Stressed out? Dive into hyperfixation.

By Aminah Madihah

Need a good distraction? Immerse yourself into a newfound hobby and let your worries take a backseat.

You know when you stumble upon something super cool, and suddenly, you just can't get enough of it? That's a hyperfixation! It's like falling head over heels for a hobby, a TV show, a book series, or anything that totally captivates you. It's all about diving deep into something you love, feeling that rush of excitement every time you think about it or engage with it.

Hyperfixations are like your own personal adventure, where you get to explore, learn, and geek out to your heart's content. It can also help you cope with stress and anxiety! Here are some ways how being fixated can fix your deadline woes:

1. Escapism
Hyperfixations give you the feeling of a temporary escape from stress, worries, and negative emotions by immersing oneself in something enjoyable and engaging. Imagine you're deeply fascinated by a complex video game, an intricate craft, or a compelling book series. As you dive into these activities, your mind becomes absorbed in all the details they offer. This absorption leaves little room for negative thoughts and worries to linger.

2. Mood booster
Engaging in a hyperfixation can elevate mood and bring joy, excitement and fulfillment, contributing to overall well-being. When you get into a hyperfixation, you're engaging with something that you genuinely love and find enjoyable so you can say goodbye to sadness or anxiety!

3. Creativity and exploration
Hyperfixations often revolve around activities that require a high degree of imagination and innovation, such as drawing, writing, crafting, or coding. This intense focus can lead to the development of unique ideas and creative solutions that might not emerge in less immersive settings (like writing that monthly report).

4. Self-expression
When someone is deeply engrossed in a passion, they can channel their innermost thoughts, feelings, and ideas into their activities. This authentic self-expression can be liberating and fulfilling, offering a safe space to explore and articulate their identity without fear of judgment.

5. Gaining connections
Hyperfixations allow us to foster connections with like-minded individuals who share similar interests, providing a sense of community and belonging. Communities built around shared interests can be incredibly inspiring. Seeing the creativity and dedication of others can motivate individuals to push their own boundaries and explore new aspects of their hyperfixation.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

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