Start These 4 Microhabits Now Before 2024 Ends!

By Siew Ching

Because the only way to kick that habit is to start small.

“I’ll cut down my social media usage from two hours to 30 minutes.”
“I will exercise more!”
“I will do my best to cook more, eat out less.”
“I will cut out sweets from my diet.”

Hands up if you had these goals at some point in your life (maybe now?) but found it hard to achieve. The good news is, you’re not alone. The better news? With a change of mindset, you can achieve these goals!

Because you see, a change is sometimes too big to make in one go. It can involve a complete overhaul of your routine – say you want to start running but you’ll need to start waking up early; not easy if you’ve been a night owl your entire life! Plus, all that pressure of achieving something so huge, especially with the end of the year coming and your goal still far in sight – phew, talk about overwhelming!

This is why you need microhabits. Before we delve into why microhabits work, here’s what they are: Microhabits are small steps you build into your routine to achieve your long-term goal. The good thing about microhabits is that they are more doable. Run 5km three times a week or run 15km once a week? Obviously the former, especially if you’re a newbie. Completely cut social media out from your life or give yourself little reminders to put your phone down every 30 minutes? We’re willing to bet you are more likely to do the latter than to completely cut out social media.

Why do microhabits work? When you perform an action repeatedly, a habit loop is created in your brain. Once that loop has been formed, your brain gets used to the idea of doing it over and over again, as well as trying to be better at it. It’s called autopilot mode, something that really works to help you make that habit second nature. Also, building on this habit doesn’t feel like you’re completely putting yourself out there or pulling the plug. It’s truly a slow and steady pace that wins the race!

Now that we have under three months before we say goodbye to 2024, what are some microhabits you should inculcate to get you on a good start for 2025? Here are four we think would be a great change to your life. Remember, the important thing is to take action now, even if it’s just a small step. And in time, you’ll realise you’ve hit that goal!

#1 Read one page of a book every day
You want to pick up on your reading again but don’t seem to have the time? You don’t have to try and finish a quarter of the book each time you sit down. If time and concentration are of the essence, do this: Read at least one page of a book a day. If you have more time, then go to the next. The next day, add a few more pages. Soon, you’ll find yourself falling into the habit of reading. Did you also know that reading at least one page of a book can help you focus and improve on your concentration? Which is when you do this regularly, you’ll find it easier to focus on your book and finish it within your reading target? Plus, doing this microhabit is a great way to chill and relax.

#2 Clean your desk
Whether it is your vanity table at home or your work desk, a clean desk enhances your mood and sets the tone right. We always love to pile things up, thinking we’ll come to that mess at the end of the day. But you know that most times, you forget about that mess because all you want to do is get on with your life. You also know that a well-organised desk or personal space reduces stress and anxiety. So do this: Get into the habit of cleaning your desk for five minutes every day. Whether it is clearing the table of paper you don’t already need or just putting things in its right place, doing this every day will help create a more conducive area for you to start your day right. And if you’re up for it later, you can even start clearing out the clutter from your home, which is a great boost for your mental health!

#3 Exercise or move for a few minutes
Although it’s just a few minutes each day, it can have a big impact on your body and mind. Study shows that just 20 minutes of low-intensity exercise increases your energy level by 20 percent and reduces fatigue symptoms by 65 percent! Plus, getting active every day puts your body and mind into healthy mode and before you know it, you’ll want to do more each day! So nothing wrong with just a few minutes; it’s the start that really counts!

#4 Drink a glass of water to start your day
Before you get too busy during the day that you sometimes forget to drink up, do this instead: Start your day with at least one glass of water right after you wake. This will not only help your body recover from nightly dehydration but also improve your physical and mental health, giving you a boost of energy to take on the day. Want to take this microhabit the next level up? Get yourself a two-litre water bottle and mark every hour from 7am to 7pm. Set your alarm for every hour. When your alarm rings, take a sip from the bottle. Before you know it, you’ll be hitting your hydration goal before dinner time!

Photo by Justin Veenema on Unsplash.

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