Go Easy on Yourself..... đŸ„°

● By Mel Sim

. You got this.

Some days can be particularly hard at work – maybe you messed up with the boss, got on the wrong foot with a client, made a colleague upset for not doing your part. And it’s easy to harp on the mistake, knocking yourself for making it and not pulling your weight.

Hold up. Read this: Mistakes happen to everyone – from the new hire to the CEO. What you need to learn is how to go easy on yourself and move pass the mistake so you can focus on the other tasks on hand and not beat yourself over and over again. To help you do this, we got some been-there, done-there tips.

“I was handling a huge project for a super demanding client so naturally, everything I did was not enough, wrong or simply an urgh from the client. It was a very stressful month but my team and I pulled through the challenges though I felt really drained out from it and was questioning my ability. My boss called me into his office after to have a post-mortem meeting. I was worried I would be reprimanded for a less-than-satisfactory performance but instead, my boss told me we did the best we could with the resources we had. Plus, he understood the client was not an easy person to deal with and commended me for putting up with her professionally each time. At the end of the meeting, he said this to me which stuck till today: ‘You’ve done your best and that’s all that matters. Now, take a day off work, give yourself a treat, and come back stronger and more determined to take on the next project.’ That has been my mantra since whenever I have to put up with demanding tasks. It’s definitely worked for my confidence and stress level!” – Melanie, content writer

“Whenever I’ve had a long and difficult day at work or if I had to put up with difficult clients or colleagues, I always tell myself this: It’s just work and it’s nothing personal. That makes it easier to deal with and allows me to take my biases out of the picture so I can focus on the task on hand and not be distracted by the negativity. Try it!” – Sharmaine, sales advisor

“I was complaining to a friend about having to deal with a difficult colleague who would always complain about things and have a lot of negative comments to pass on. It made work really unbearable at times. My friend’s advice to me: Look at the big picture. Don’t knock the circumstances. That helped me cope with the difficult days and the difficult people at work. It also helped me to understand that I shouldn’t take everything to heart and to take things easy at work so I don’t stress myself unnecessarily.” – Sheriah, marketing executive

“The best way to go easy on yourself? Shut down, log off and not think about work for the rest of the day! Treat yourself to ice cream or that documentary you’ve been wanting to watch. Or go to bed early and have a good night’s rest! Tomorrow is another day where new challenges await for you to conquer.” – Michael, business owner

“Make a list! If you’ve been having a tough time for a long time and that’s all you can remember, then it is time to make a list of all the good things that have happened. It is easy to forget that great things happen too when overshadowed by all the bad stuff. I make sure to list down my achievements at the end of every month so I can feel good about myself and be inspired to do even more!” – Chua, freelance writer

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

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