● By Mel Sim
Download to get productive for the new year.
2020 is almost upon us (where did time go!) and one thing that’s definitely up on your resolution list is to get productive. Luckily, technology has made it easy to be productive with these apps you can download for just about every part of your life you want to be more efficient in.
When you want a to-do list to stay on top of your tasks
More than 10 million downloads (and counting) can vouch for just how useful this app is. It’s a simple list-making app where you can enter all the things you need to get done and the app will categorise your tasks using keywords and list them out in an easy-to-see interface so you don’t miss anything. You can select to view your list for the next seven days or see everything at one go (though we recommend the former so that you stay focused and don’t feel overwhelmed!). Plus, its widget lets you see what you need to do right from your smartphone without having to open up the app.
When you want to organise your day Any.do Places to go, people to see, things to do... how do you keep track of everything? By using the Any.do app that’s how. This allows you to keep your schedule on track with its to-do list, reminders, notes and also the ability to share lists with others. Plus, you can sync this across all your gadgets so you can open it on your phone and check it off later on your tablet. Being able to integrate your calendar with it makes it an even more efficient task manager.
When you want to put all your ideas in one place
Being productive doesn’t just mean being on top of all your to-dos. It cal also mean being productive in coming up with new ideas. But ideas and inspiration can strike anywhere and it can strike very often so what do you do with all of them? Put it one place where you can easily digest – like on Evernote. Whether it is an article you want to read later or even a list with some ideas you’ve jot down, you can put it all up on Evernote to come back later and digest.
When you need to work with others on a project
There will be many times when you will be working closely with your colleagues to complete a project. And there will be many times when there will be some confusion on what needs to be done and who needs to do them. Not anymore with Trello. This managing, organising and sharing app lets you get everyone on board on what they need to do and when. You put up cards on a Trello board to represent the task with priorities and deadlines clearly indicated. Then you assign it to a team member so that everyone can keep track on who’s doing what. With each board, you can also put up checklists, attach files, pictures, links to important information. So really, it’s like a board with everything that’s important to the project for all to see!
When you’re going on holiday!
Productivity isn’t just while at work; it can also come in handy while at play. Or in this case when you are planning that dream trip. Which is all you can think about but can’t seem to organise the bookings, itineraries, pre-bought tickets...until TripIt. This app basically takes everything you need to travel and puts it all in one spot so you can easily access them anytime and anywhere. You can name your trips, set reminders and when you’re done, you can look back and do it all again if you want to visit the same place!
When you want to get fit
My Fitness Pal
Is your workout productive? Are you getting to where you want to be? Let My Fitness Pal lead the way. Whether it is to lose weight or to be more conscious of your diet, My Fitness Pal lets you keep track of all things fitness. You can set goals, enter your exercise for the day, create your own recipes and even log in your calories based on the apps database of foods complete with nutrition information.
Photo by Yura Fresh on Unsplash
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